"Carpe Diem"
"Seize the Day"
How We Got Here
Established in 1993, the Saber Battalion has been known for an unparalleled commitment to become a informed and responsible citizen of the United States of America. It is this standard of excellence that has provided the force for us to grow into the unit we are today. We have been as a Distinguished Unit, Distinguished Unit with Honors, and many different Unit Achievements.
The students in the NJROTC unit were under the three Naval Core Values of
Honor, Courage, & Commitment.
In order to join the NJROTC, talk with your counselors first. Once the counselors added you in the class, please read out and sign the forms in the Unit Administration.
To learn more, go to About page about the information.
Naval Science Instructors
Darrell Degrazia
Naval Science Instructor
Reports to SSNI
E-7 Chief Petty Officer
Navy Counselor (Recruiter)
Harrison DePondicchello
Senior Naval Science Instructor
Reports to Area 13 Manager
O-4 Lieutenant Commander
Admin Officer
Levingston Hodges
Naval Science Instructor